Friday, November 20, 2009

Eurafrika Pt. 9 - A Thoughtful Evening

So we got back to the lodge, ate dinner and went to bed. I spent the evening reading both Malcolm Gladwell's the Tipping Point and Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum. I felt it was good to mix up my reading between storytelling and educating.

The Tipping Point is all about what makes certain ideas spread like wildfire. I was reading about the key players that spread ideas: Connectors, Mavens and Salesman. A Connector is the person you know who just know everyone. I thought of a girl I knew who had over 1000 friends on Facebook. A Maven is someone who spends their own time becoming expert on a topic, especially one about products or services. I thought of my dad: if I want to ask him about anything political going on in the world, I just ask him. And a salesman, well you can figure that one out.

Sailing Alone Around the World is as the title suggests, but reading it was more interesting than I'd imagine it to be. It's the true story of a skilled sailor who sails sometimes for months without seeing land, narrowly escapes pirates, is accompanied by dolphins, faces off with an infamous murderer and has his boat blown miles of course by a fierce gale at the southern edge of the earth.

I've always dreamed of sailing around the world, however, even if I did, part of me felt the magic of this adventure would be impossible to recapture. As technology advances, I feel a little magic and disappears in the world. I just have to search 'Antarctica' to see its glaciers. But, maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps, the magic is still there - that you just have to dig deeper and experience it.

With these thoughts I went to sleep. I had no idea what was happening tomorrow, nor did I want to know. I let tomorrow preserve its magic. I let it be a mystery.

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